[商品主貨號] U100733139
[ISBN-13碼] 9780062226044
[ISBN] 0062226045
[作者] Elizabeth Haynes
[出版社] Harper Collins USA
[出版日期] 2012/07/15
[內容簡介] (本項為出版商制式文字, 不論下文註明有無附件, 仍以本拍賣商品標題為準, 標題未註明有附件者一律均無) 這場激烈、扣人心絃的情感風暴令人歎為觀止,屏息以待,實在是一部驚豔四方的新人佳作!──《別相信任何人》作者S.J. Watson當單身許久的Catherine Bailey一看到迷人帥氣、近乎完美的Lee,心裡明白就是他了!連她的好友們也都折服於Lee的翩翩風采,對這段戀情樂觀其成。想不到兩人開始交往後,所有的濃情蜜意變調為充滿憤怒的妒忌,Catherine此時才看清楚Lee不為人知的黑暗面。舉動越來越怪異的Lee讓她萬分恐懼卻投訴無門,因為外面沒人相信Lee會做出那些事。被孤立的Catherine退無可退,決心計劃一場縝密的逃亡。改名換姓的Catherine以為就此逃離魔掌,甚至在遇到好鄰居Stuart後,還逐漸相信自己也有獲得幸福的可能。直到某天,她發現公寓裡竟然有Lee來過的痕跡……(文/博客來編譯)This intense, gripping account of domestic violence and its aftermath is utterly unputdownable. A stunning debut.” (S.J. Watson, author of Before I Go to Sleep )Catherine Bailey has been enjoying the single life long enough to know a catch when she sees one. Gorgeous, charismatic and spontaneous, Lee seems almost too perfect to be true. And her friends clearly agree, as each in turn falls under his spell.But what begins as flattering attentiveness and passionate sex turns into raging jealousy, and Catherine soon learns there is a darker side to Lee. His increasingly erratic, controlling behaviour becomes frightening, but no one believes her when she shares her fears. Increasingly isolated and driven into the darkest corner of her world, a desperate Catherine plans a meticulous escape.Four years later, Lee is behind bars and Catherine—now Cathy—compulsively checks the locks and doors in her apartment, trusting no one. But when an attractive upstairs neighbour, Stuart, comes into her life, Cathy dares to hope that happiness and love may still be possible . . . until she receives a phone call informing her of Lee’s impending release. Soon after, Cathy thinks she catches a glimpse of the former best friend who testified against her in the trial; she begins to return home to find objects subtly rearranged in her apartment, one of Lee’s old tricks. Convinced she is back in her former lover’s sights, Cathy prepares to wrestle with the demons of her past for the last time.Utterly convincing in its portrayal of obsession, Into the Darkest corner is an ingeniously structured and plotted tour de force of suspense that marks the arrival of a major new talent.)
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